Deadline for abstract is now closed


The posters must be arranged to fit on vertical boards, each 1 m high X 0.80 m wide. The posters will be fixed to the boards with pins, which will be supplied at the Meeting. The posters should be displayed over the meeting. The authors should be present during the appointed time in the scientific programme for posters exhibition.

Remote authors can present the work on Tuesday at 13:30, local time. 

By Monday, June 12th, we need to receive the file with your poster in the informed dimension above, the posters will be printed and placed on the board for exhibition.


We also need you to send us a recording of your presentation, in a MP4 file no larger than 5MB and a maximum of 5 minutes.

Oral Communications
During the meeting a PowerPoint version 2016 running in the W-10 will be available. Fifteen min are allocated for each communication plus 5 min for discussion. Please organise your presentation in order to respect your time. Remember, slides need to be explained to the audience and be careful not include too many slides in your presentation. The session chairpersons will be in charge to keep the Scientific Programme on time.


English will be the official language of the Meeting and no simultaneous translation will be provided.

Badges and Identification

Upon registration, each participant will receive a name badge, which is to be worn at all times during meeting activities and social events.


Certificates of attendance and participation will be supplied at the end of the congress.

Coffees and Lunch

Coffees, beverages and Lunch meals are included in the registration fee. Special meals will be provided under previous request.